Stake - LP Tokens
Step by step guide on how to provide liquidity on Uniswap and stake your LP Tokens
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Step by step guide on how to provide liquidity on Uniswap and stake your LP Tokens
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You can provide liquidity on Uniswap for ETH-MUSE, DAI-MUSE, MEME-MUSE, UNI-MUSE... and stake your LP Tokens to mint extra $muse.
You can add liquidity by sending 2 transactions on Uniswap The first step is to add Liquidity.
Go to the "Pool" section and select "add liquidity". The first input select $MUSE (if not found, enter the address contract "0xB6Ca7399B4F9CA56FC27cBfF44F4d2e4Eef1fc81")
enter the amount of $MUSE you wish to add for liquidity.
Click on the "Approve MUSE" button and wait for the transaction to be confirmed.
then proceed with supply.
As you can see, I am only adding 3$MUSE (Total balance 6$MUSE) since I need to keep at least a minimum of 3$MUSE to be able to buy gems and keep alive my vNFT. If you unstake without a vNFT alive, you'll get your LP tokens back but 0 rewards.
Click to the "Supply" button and "Confirm" by signing on your wallet and wait the transaction to be validated
If the first step was a success. Your LP Token MUSE-ETH will appear on your wallet on VeryNifty.
A total of 50 $MUSE gets minted per day for all staking pools. To stake and withdraw LP tokens rewards you must own at least 1 vNFT alive.
Now you can stake your LP Tokens on VeryNifty to mint extra $MUSE.
Two transactions are necessary to stake your $MUSE. The first transaction to approve and the second one to stake. Click on the "Approve & stake" button to send the transaction to the smart contracts and sign them with your wallet. Wait to get your transaction validated.
Your LP Tokens is staked now and everyday you will get extra $MUSE.
The VeryNifty Gallery is an experimental game and currently in beta. Any risks you take using this platform are your own. This is not an investment vehicle. Caution is advised.