Smart contract error codes

Here are the possible error codes while interacting with VNFTx smart contract:

1 - This addon is locked

2 - Contract paused

3- You must own the vNFT to use this feature

4-Pet already has this addon

5- Pet already has this addon

6 - Addon not available

7- own the addon to use it

8 - Raise your HP to use this addon

9 - Pet doesn't have this addon

A - Can't atack yourself

B- Can't attack yourself

C- You need battles addon

D- can't challenge

E- This pet was attacked 10 times already

F - You can't attack this pet

G- You need cashback addon

H-Raise your hp to claim cashback

I - You can't claim cahsback yet

J - Lived at least 14 days for cashback

Last updated